
How to Stay Connected While Working from Home

Over the past few years, the travel industry has undergone many changes. One of the biggest changes is that many travel advisors are working from home rather than at an office. Gone are the brick-and-mortar travel agencies of the past. While working remotely is a dream, many telecommuters have a hard time transitioning from the office into the home successfully. ...

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Travel Agent vs. Travel Advisor: What’s the Difference?

For the past 20 years, travel has continually evolved. As flights, hotels, and travel experiences have become more accessible online, old-school travel agents have become less needed. In their place is the evolved travel agent—the travel advisor. But what makes a travel advisor different than an agent, and why do you need one? Let’s discuss. Travel Agents In the past, ...

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5 Ways Andavo Travel Supports Travel Advisors

Many home-based travel advisors have one question on their mind when looking for a host agency, “Which host travel agency is best for me?” A quick Google search can leave you with endless options and information overload. While it’s true that many agencies can tick all the right boxes, there are a few things that are crucial to your business’s ...

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AndavoMart 2018: How it benefits our advisors

Andavo Travel’s 12th annual AndavoMart conference will be held from October 12-14, 2018 at The Resort at Pelican Hill in Newport Beach, CA. Each year, AndavoMart brings Andavo’s travel advisors together from across the country.  We have a network of roughly 135 total travel advisors, and some of them are employees or ICs in one of our four office locations, ...

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Andavo recognized for outstanding website and promo video among travel agencies.

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Relevance of Host Travel Agency Reviews

In this day and age, we all realize how important reviews are. How many of us read the consumer reviews before purchasing something on Amazon or another retailer’s website? Or at least take a quick glance at how many overall stars consumers gave the product in their reviews. Same thing with travel and host travel agencies, right? Many consumers spend ...

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Andavo VP Celebrates 20 Years with the Company

This was a big month for Andavo Travel’s VP, Kirsten Little, as she celebrated 20 years with our company! We believe it says a lot about Andavo as a company that employees are happy to stay this long, and also says a lot about Kirsten’s loyalty that she’s remained here and given so many years of devoted service to Andavo. ...

Read more’s Hotel Booking Tool Earns Sales Advisors Would Have Missed Out On

Virtuoso rolled out an online hotel booking tool in February 2018, which is proving to be a huge advantage to our Andavo Travel advisors. Advantages for advisors:  For advisors unfamiliar with Sabre, it provides an easy and convenient way to instantly book hotels with Virtuoso-exclusive amenities. Through advisor and agency private label sites, it provides an opportunity to receive not just ...

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Host travel agency Andavo Travel completed its 11th annual AndavoMart event with a total of107 attendees, held at The Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead in Atlanta, GA from October 13-15, 2017.

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