
Why Travelers Need a Travel Advisor in 2020

In the age of the internet, consumers have access to more products and services than was previously thought possible. Travelers in particular have hundreds of booking sites at the tips of their fingers, yet they still rely on the assistance of travel advisors when planning their vacations. While other professions have fallen by the wayside in the wake of the ...

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Why Cruises Are Popular Among Travelers During Winter Months

The allure of taking a cruise is easily seen by all travelers. From the endless onboard options to the exclusive destinations, travelers find cruises to be a first-rate vacation. Cruises were previously thought to be a summertime activity, but today’s travelers are changing the game. Winter cruises are in style and here to stay. If your travel business hopes to ...

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How Trip Planning Will Change in 2020

From rideshares to social media, the travel sector has experienced a variety of changes over the years which have disrupted the way we think about travel itself. Hotels, airlines, and other travel companies have had to adapt quickly or become obsolete. Travel advisors in particular have had to ready their businesses for change. 2020 is approaching quickly, and it’s best ...

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What Travelers are Searching for Online

The expansion of online services is continually transforming the travel industry. Online booking services started taking over the industry in 1995 when the Internet Travel Network (ITN) oversaw the first airline ticket booking over the World Wide Web. Since then, Microsoft released Expedia, TripAdvisor, Kayak, Priceline, Airbnb, and hundreds of other sites have made travel a lot easier for consumers. ...

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Popular Travel Destinations & What You Should Know About Them

Photo Credit:  Pinterest Travel is becoming a staple for many Americans. Actually, it is America’s second favorite way to spend discretionary funds. In total, Americans spend $101.1 billion on summer vacations, with 65.3% saying that leisure travel is somewhat of a budget priority for them. Perhaps one of the biggest motivating factors is increased access to travel destinations thanks to easier booking processes and cheaper accommodations. ...

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Tips for Staying Updated on Travel Warning and Alerts

Travel advisors everywhere must stay continuously updated on what is going on around the world. From travel warnings and alerts to local news events, staying up-to-date on what is going on will help you keep your travelers safe while they are abroad. Unfortunately, not everything hits the U.S. Department of State’s radar. That is why it is up to you ...

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Stand Out from the Travel Advisor Crowd With These 7 Tips

Services like Expedia, Travelocity, and Airbnb have empowered travelers to take travel into their own hands; but word is getting out that travel experiences are still more rewarding when done so in partnership with a dedicated travel professional. In fact, earlier this year, CNN reported that travel advisors are in high demand for the “incomparable benefit” they afford travelers and ...

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7 Reasons You Need a Host Agency

Every travel advisor must make a choice—take the solely independent route or get the resources and tools you need to make your business stand out with a host agency. No matter the final choice, it is crucial you do your research. A lot of host agencies are currently asking, “Why use a host agency? What are the benefits of working ...

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Why You Should Use a Travel Advisor

One of the main questions that come up when consumers turn to our advisors for help is, “Why should I use a travel advisor?” You build your business by bringing value to your clients. That is why it is crucial that you know your worth. There are many benefits to using a travel advisor, including saving time, unlocking exclusive travel ...

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